Thursday, February 15, 2007

Melbourne - Australia Day long weekend

I was in Melbourne for the Australia Day long weekend which was also the Aussie Open Finals weekend.

This is my second time there and I still find the city a little boring compared to Sydney.

The good:

Caught up with my buddy, his lovely wife and some friends, Nike Melbourne, the food, Maggi Assam Laksa (which I can't find in Sydney), the cafe culture, Chapel Street, Sneakers exhibition at the National Gallery of Victoria, the fashionable people, won some money at the roulette table at Crown.

The bad:

The weather. Felt like friggin' winter on one of the days when we're in the middle of summer.

The ugly:

The weird sculpture that was at the National Gallery of Victoria.

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zewt said...

winter is good... winter is always good... :)

the witch's broo said...

hi flaminglambo,

You know, despite its erratic weather -- and the biting cold.. i still kinda like melbourne.
Now Sydney, is loads more fun.
Yeah, I really like Sydney.

flaminglambo said...

zewt - compared to the heat & humidity of msia. yeah, winter rocks. btw, what's the go with your nick? any meaning to it?

broo - drop me a line when you're in town. it'll be my pleasure to take you around.

zewt said...

my nick is an evolution from my chinese name... hahaha.... that's all i can tell for now.

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