February was pretty eventful. One of my proposed resolution for MMVII was to curb my indulgence in retail therapy but it looks like that thought's been blown to smithereens.

Ok, Chinese New Year was a great excuse to dodge the guilt seeing that it's one of the things one do to usher in the new year by getting new stuff right? So, technically, even though if I didn't mean to buy them for the new year, it still passes as an excuse correct? If not, I'll just say, it's an early birthday present from me to errr...me.
Yeah. Perfectly normal.

I just couldn't resist these two pairs. They're weird and ugly but it's like they had tractor beams locked onto my wallet. Plus, throw in a 50% discount on the LBJ IVs, I'd be having sleepless nights if I let it slide. It was a darn steal!
The blue Penny Foamposites however is a monster. That's a good thing. They're so hideous, they're beautiful.
Ok, that didn't make sense.
Anyway, February was a blur. Everything came thick and fast but I don't think I'm regretting on any of the purchases. Jordan Olympic jersey's a must and I heart those J 3s long time.
Then there was the phone.

Always loved the K800i ever since I saw them. I'm not into gadgets as much as some people but I needed one because I gave my mum my Samsung E700 and have been using an old Nokia in the interim. I hate Nokias.
I managed to hustle my company to package the phone and they threw in the bluetooth handsfree thingy (notice the non-techie vocabulary)for free which was sweet.
The Mardi Gras was in town last night. We saw a few weird ladies wearing very little wandering around in preparation for the big party. My eyes were working overtime with some of the amazing costumes they cooked up. Wait, I think it was just mainly skin but nonetheless, amazing! Leaving nothing to the imagination is a good thing cos' imagination's overrated.
We were there to celebrate IV.III.MMVII in one of my favourite Japanese restaurant. Nothing fancy, just good satisfying tukka. Stuffed myself silly and was very proud of my effort. Hello toilet bowl!

a bit blur today but.... what is IV.III.MMVII?
Oh... why hate nokia la? it's more user friendly la...
What's good zewt?
4.3.2007 as in 4th March 2007. I think it's Chap Goh Meh and it's also my bday (now that you know, you have to get me a pressie).
True that Noks are user friendly but personally, it has no flair.
happy birthday flaminglambo,
and those are presents you bought for yourself to justify the evil extragance..
ok ok... not evil.
love those shoes. and you know it makes perfect sense -- they're so hideous, they're beautiful. i know exactly what you mean.
oh. i agree with zewt -- for me, it either nokia or ericsson nokia... both very sensible and practical cellphones. and of course
very user-friendly. but,ok, you're right, no flair.
to each his own, then, huh, flaminglambo.
have a better month in March!
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