Ahhhh..weddings. Some people hate attending weddings but I must say that I quite like them. I am yet to see a groom cry during the ceremony but then again, I haven't seen an 'I don't' either. Maybe one day both will come at once. Hahahaha! I hope I won't see that day.
Tears of joy must be a girl thing. I've never cried on any joyous occassions no matter how great it was and I have never seen any of my friends cry when they're happy either. Where I was sitting, the bride's maid cried, the bride's mum cried, the grooms mum cried. MANNNN!

As with most diy weddings, there were little things that showed how stressful it was leading up to the big day. For example, we got the invitation after the r.s.v.p date. At first I thought that being my brother-in-law's wedding, we were given the card just as a formality since we were expected to attend. Later on, I found out that a lot of people got their invites late too.

It wasn't a restaurant reception but a location at Lane Cove where the whole place is catered for something like this. With a beautiful garden for people to mingle before dinner and a reception area to organise the guests, it was very pleasant to say the least. The 3 course meal was delicious and the string quartet provided the mood. All in all, a great night.

The most memorable event of the evening other than the Merc. with the modified doors and of course the speeches, was when my sister-in-law (who volunteered to register guests and collect gifts on that night) asked this couple if they had any presents for the bride and groom. 'No', the woman responded rather loudly. There was this weird and uncomfortable silence that ensued for what seemed like an eternity. Both the guest and my sister-in-law felt embarrassed because there were like 8 people in the line with their gifts and I'm sure most of them heard it. I suggested she change the question from, 'Do you have any gifts or presents for the bride and groom?' to a more diplomatic, 'If you have any gifts for the bride and groom, you can leave it with us', to avoid any further embarrassments. We had a good laugh though.
so which one is you?
If i stand in front of the camera, the lens might crack. ;)
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