Saturday, June 09, 2007

Sheila Majid

I used to have a huge crush on her when I was a teenager. After listening to a few of her songs recently, it brought back a lot of memories from my school days in St. Johns.

A truly talented singer.


zewt said...

hah! me too...

there's a lil unique-ness in the way she pronounce certain words... dont u think?

eh, turn off the word verification la...

flaminglambo said...

yup, yup.

Bloody spammers made me turn it on. Don't you get spammed?

the witch's broo said...

hi flaminglambo,

she brought R&B into the Malay music scene.
i am not prejudiced but sheila majid is one of the very very few malay artistes I think is worthy of my time.

by the way... what brought this up? A-hah! and you a former St Johns' boy, I see.

flaminglambo said...

Hey broo!

Nah, just had the songs in my iPod and everytime I close my eyes while listening to some of her songs, it brings back memories.

Yup, I'm a former Johanian and yes, the rumour is true. All Johanians are THAT good looking. ;)

zewt said...

i dont... i only get spammed when i blog over-ly political stuff...

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