Friday, August 08, 2008

Phriday Photos

08.08.08 @ 8.08 pm (JYEAH!) deserves some awesome pics.

Some of my favourite kicks of all time from my favourite player of all time...


Bonus pic (excuse the crappy exposure. It was taken in haste)...


All retros.

I almost missed out on the racquet cos' I did not know that they reissued the Radical in honour of Agassi's retirement last year. So, when I stumbled onto them a few weeks back and saw that they were on sale, I had to pull the trigger. Apparently, in staying true to the preference of the future Hall of Famer, it comes complete with the rubber band dampener (which I took out cos' I didn't like the feel), the blue overgrip and an added detail of all the names and years of the Grand Slams he's won with Head. However, I gotta' admit that other than nostalgia and mine being numbered 3333 out of 5000, this racquet has little going for it. I still prefer my Titanium Changs over these.

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